Mom & Me: 10 Super Stories About Moms

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Author : Ranjit Lal

No. of Pages : 220

Book Category : Best Seller,Elder,Stories,Teenagers,Young Readers,Fiction

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Mom & Me: 10 Super Stories About Moms is an array of joyful stories that show the different types of mothers that exist in this world. The book also includes twenty-five activities that young readers can partake in. Summary Of The Book Mom & Me: 10 Super Stories About Moms, published in 2010, is a collection of ten short stories. Mom & Me: 10 Super Stories About Moms contains a tale about a mother who seems very shy and quiet, but has a great singing voice that no one knows about. There is a story about a mom who gives up her pet dog, and another one about how a lonely mother learns to use the computer. The first story in this book is about a young girl who says a lot of bad words, and the mother wonders where she has picked them up from. My Life In Pictures is about a mother who continuously takes photographs, thus capturing her children’s most embarrassing moments, much to their dismay. Runaway and The Princess Of Beans are tales about how children always think that the grass is greener on the other side. Young readers will also get to know how the celebration of Mother’s Day began. Mom & Me: 10 Super Stories About Moms is a delightful book, whose stories will keep children engaged and entertained. There are also twenty-five fun things to do with and for one’s mother. Children are encouraged to make gifts, and gift them to the people they love.