A Night In The Wood

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Author : Leelavati Bhagwat

No. of Pages : 48

Book Category : Chitrakatha,Grown Up,Stories,Teenagers,Fiction

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A Night in the Wood is an absorbing account of a series of adventures four brave girls. Meena, her younger sister Swati, Shewanta, and Yamu burst into while on a trek to 'Pataleshwar'. An encounter with a fierce tiger across a spring in the jungle separates them from each other and thus starts a string of challenges like running into a gang of robbers, falling into a well and spending a whole night in a darks, lonely hut before they unite once again and return home with a police search party whom they help trace notorious robbers. The story unfolds itself through thrilling incidents and surprises which Leelavati Bhagwat skillfully weaves together to give us a tale tumultuously fascinating.